The market for digital products

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How to Increase Their Job Security, Employability And Level Of Satisfaction With Their Work

Are you stuck in your career? Don’t you wish there could be something more?

You don't have to struggle any more. It's time to thrive!
Economic downturns are terrible things. They absolutely kill career momentum. You’re forced to stay in your current position, with your wages frozen. You’re doing the work of two or three people. Morale sucks. Your boss seems to be indifferent. Uncertainty abounds. You can’t stop thinking about what might happen:

  • Will your company survive the rough waters of the recession? What if it goes out of business or gets sold?
  • What if they downsize again? Will I survive?  I can’t afford to lose my job!
  • How am I really doing? Is my performance and skillset where it needs to be? Or am I becoming a liability to my department and my team?
Recently, I got frustrated by the unemployment, under-employment and general malaise all around me. Friends and family members have suffered greatly during this prolonged downturn, and that bothered me – a lot.

As I reflected on their plight, I soon realized that there is always small group of conscientious objectors who decide that they won’t participate in any recession. They seem to make forward progress in their careers, regardless of the prevailing economic conditions.

So I spent quite a few hours brainstorming about and researching what their secret is.

The antidote to recessionary thinking

I soon realized that the antidote to recessionary thinking it to creatively look for ways to add value to your work – to differentiate yourself and become indispensable. More employers today are looking for the people who work for them – YOU – to contribute ideas and solutions to help the organization get out of the doldrums and back on a solid growth path.

So I wrote Up Your Impact: 52 Innovative Ways to Add Value to Your Work, to let readers know that there IS a better way. I’ve discovered that adopting a value-added mindset is the antidote to fear and uncertainty.

Instead of being disadvantaged by tough times, you can actually turn them to your advantage.
But it takes a special mindset to make this happen, one that is focused on growth, possibility and a creative, generative spirit that is focused on learning more, creating more and contributing more.

Although the tools and technologies we utilize to get work done have changed dramatically, the principles of success haven’t changed. Success has always been about three things:
  • Contribution and service, about doing more than you’re paid to do, and outgrowing your current position and circumstances.
  • Having a system for creative problem solving and noticing new opportunities, which aren’t usually obvious, but they are all around us.
  • Caring enough to bring your very best efforts to the people whom it is your privilege to serve.
What’s in Up Your Impact?

Strategies: This 170-page e-book presents 52 strategies for adding exceptional value to your employer and your customers or clients, presented in a clear, concise and actionable writing style. These strategies are eminently practical, and will help you to “move the needle” in your work. 

Action steps: Each strategy is followed by one or two action steps, to help you to implement it immediately. No theoretical mumbo-jumbo here – just strategies and insights you can use – now – to improve your work!
Resources: A comprehensive list of books, websites and tools that you can use to further your learning on how to add value to your work.

Plus: A wealth of insights from business experts

For this launch package, I interviewed 5 business experts to learn what’s changing in business today, why it’s important to add value to your work – and their preferred strategies for doing so. Their insights were amazing! At the end of each interview, I found myself going, “Wow! That was phenomenal!” These people shared some incredible insights. I learned a lot from them, and I know you will, too.

Here’s who I interviewed:
  • Wally Bock, leadership expert and highly-respected blogger
  • Jason Womack, work productivity expert and author of Your Best Just Got Better
  • Roger von Oech, author of several best-selling creativity books and ideation tools
  • Phil Gerbyshack, social media and professional networking guru
  • Rajesh Setty, entrepreneur, author and relentless idea guy
You’ll also receive full transcripts of each interview.
More interviews are on the way. I plan to conduct more interviews in the next several months; if you purchase the Up Your Impact launch package, you’ll get free access to them, too!



Dans Ce Guide Vous Apprendrez Les Bases Fondamentales Pour Construire Un Patrimoine Solide

Que direz-vous d’obtenir enfin des informations nécessaires à votre éducation financière ?

    En avez-vous marre d’écouter votre banquier qui ne sera plus là pour répondre à vos questions dans 6 mois ?
    Êtes-vous envahis par ce sentiment d’impuissance devant la foule d’informations disponible ?
    Vous ne savez pas comment préparer, protéger, organiser et optimiser votre patrimoine ?

C’est normal, l’éducation financière ne fait pas partie de notre éducation tout court ce qui est un des grands tors de notre société…
Voici une partie de ce que vous trouverez dans ce guide :

    Vous préférez construire votre maison sur du sable ou sur des fondations ? Vous connaissez la réponse mais pourquoi faites-vous le contraire pour construire votre maison financière ? (page 4)
    Comment 30 €/ mois peuvent vous sauver la vie ? (page 5)
    Selon votre situation vous saurez si il faut vous couvrir ou non. (page 6)
    La 1ère base fondamentale qu’il faut connaitre à propos des assurances. (page 9)
    Pourquoi il ne faut pas mentir à son assureur et quelles sont les conséquences ? (page 10)
    Comment calculer son coefficient bonus / malus et l’erreur que fait tout le monde à ce propos… (page 10)
    Une astuce pour payer moins cher votre assurance auto et baisser votre franchise, ca vous intéresse ?
    Comment faire si ma complémentaire obligatoire ne me couvre pas assez bien ? (page 12)
    Enfin comprendre les remboursements de la sécu avec un exemple… (page 13)
    Un truc qui peut vous faire économiser quelques centaines voir quelques milliers d’euros… (page 14)
    Qu’est qu’un ballon d’oxygène ? (page 16)
    Une approche de l’épargne qui va révolutionner votre vie… (page 17)
    Que faut-il savoir du système de retraite Français et comment y faire face ? (page 18)
    Un calcul à propos d’un achat immobilier qui va vous renverser… (page 19)
    Comment j’ai pu acheter mon 1er bien immobilier alors que je ne gagnais que 1200 €/mois. (page 20)
    Une formule de calcul simple pour calculer vos impôts… (page 22)
    Quelle est la fausse idée que tout le monde a en tête à propos des impôts ? (page 23)
    Comment faire face à la crise ? (page 25)

Et encore bien d’autres choses… 
Voici ce qu’ils en disent :

“Merci pour ces principes fondamentaux que vous m’avez appris aujourd’hui et merci pour les astuces qui vont me faire économiser de l’argent.” Sam Niton.

“Tout est simple est clairement expliqué. Vous devriez écrire un bouquin : “comment crée un patrimoine pour les nuls”… Merci !! Josiane V.

“Merci pour votre guide et surtout merci pour votre vidéo bonus, elle m’a mis une belle gifle sur ma façon de gérer mon argent !!” Nathalie Dismier

“Lecteur de votre blog depuis un bon moment, je m’attendai  à de la qualité et je ne suis pas déçu ! bravo.” T. N’Diaye

How to learn trading on the stock market to make money safely

How to learn trading on the stock market to make money safely

Dear Trader or Wannabe Trader,

It's time to celebrate! You have finally found the BEST trading system by far! There is nothing like it!

Colorful junk indicators overload charts and minds, and only result in confusion, wasted time and wasted money. All you simply want to know is: "What's the trend? When should I enter? When should I exit?" You are not asking for much.

You sit at your computer waiting...and waiting...for a potential trend change when you could be enjoying a delicious meal, doing chores, running errands, spending quality time with your family (most important), relaxing outside, and more.

Forex Trend Dominator system was co-created by an educator with a graduate degree in education (MSED degree,

grades k-12), who taught thousands of students whose origins spanned across the globe. The educator/system creator taught students with *ADD and ADHD, Dyslexia, learning challenged, visually impaired, physically challenged, as well as taught students on all learning levels.

The Forex Trend Dominator System was created considering a range of intelligence levels and incorporating learning style theories - explained in User's Manual. The former educator is a devoted mother and part time trader. In conjunction with a former financial business executive, who earns a living by trading, the 'two heads are better than one' teamed up with top programmers to develop and perfect the impressive trading system. *Many adults have undiagnosed ADD and ADHD, have short attention spans, and have difficulty focusing. The Forex Trend Dominator System was created with short attention spans in mind with the color coordinated system with the dashboard displays.

A unique, accurate, manual trading system with 'lightening fast' signal alerts to ease trading decisions. Visual and auditory communications are vital with everything in life and in learning, so we applied those communication components into our system.

Our indicators and a plug-in template that includes alerts that boost your trading success: a dashboard that tells you immediately when the trend is weak or reversing, when there is buying and selling, and when to consider entering a trade. You will know exactly what the trend is doing within seconds.

So simple to understand that a new trader will immediately feel confident.

The system contains accurate trend signal alerts for the dashboard and 5 out of the 10 indicators have alerts that may be sent to your email and cell phone (read below). The 'lazy' trader will love the alerts!
One time purchase with no monthly fees.

Use on any time frame, any time of day with any currency, including gold, silver, oil, etc.
You are in control of your time, trades, and your money.

Great for all traders: scalpers and traders that hold positions for hours or days. Even our M1 chart picks up on fast reversals within seconds! A unique and very beneficial trading system, unlike all the useless products sold.

Setting up your plug-in template for your MetaTrader 4 charts. If you prefer to use another trading platform to make your trades, you may set up a Metatrader4 demo account for free to use the system and make your trades with your current broker.

Detailing and illustrating the simple rules to enter and exit trades, as well as show examples of trades to avoid.
Suggestions with pictures of charts layouts on your platform using multiple timeframes with emphasis on focusing or 'honing in' to yield more profits.

A section that details how to set up trading alerts via email and cell phone texts. This task may be daunting and time consuming if not set up properly, so we outlined the step-by- step details to have you set up within ten minutes with a no-cost SMTP provider.

Purchasing a simple-to-assembly, practical desk that costs much less than a pair of name brand sneakers, to set up your computers and monitors so that you are organized and in control.

Professional suggestions for computer system requirements, computer safety and privacy.

This is by far the BEST INVESTMENT you will make. You receive a simple, literally split second accurate trading system that contains a plug-in template with trend signals alerts to boost your trading success, as well as a manual chock full of beneficial information. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Intelligent Wordpress Popup Plugin That Boosts Sales And Opt-in Conversion Without Annoying Every Single Site Visitor!

Install, create beautiful popups, setup the popup trigger conditions and rapidly accelerate your newsletter opt-in and sales conversion without annoying your visitors! 
It is a known fact that showing a beautifully designed lightbox popup to your visitors is one of the best ways to get their attention and in the process increase the conversion rate of your offer (example: special sale, membership deal, a newsletter subscription etc.). 
However, if you are going to greet EVERY single visitor to your site with the SAME popup then it will annoy the crap out of them and in turn have a negative impact! When you annoy someone you lose any chance of earning trust from that user and you lose the conversion chance. On the other hand showing the right offer to the right visitor at the right time yields higher conversion. 
The Intelligent WordPress Popup plugin helps you show the right offer (via an elegant popup) at the right time to the right visitor. Thus you are always advertising to an interested audience which yields high conversion rate while keeping the annoyance factor to an absolute minimum. For example, consider the following scenario:

One visitor has spent some time (around 5 minutes) on your product page. Obviously this user is somewhat interested in your product so why not show him a special product discount (via a popup) to seal the deal right now? At the very same time another visitor has been spending some time on your blog page. He is probably interested in your blog articles so why not show him your newsletter opt-in popup?
The Intelligent WP Popup Plugin can allow you to do that!


Provides English Literature Study Guides To High School Students And Teachers.

  • Are you studying or teaching Shakespeare's Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet or King Lear?
    Is Jane Austen's Persuasion or Chaucer's Canterbury Tales on your exam texts list?
  • Is Poetry and Prose Commentary an important part of your literature studies course?
These downloadable books are designed to help you...

Five of the study guides have been fully and independently reviewed by the US College Board. If you would like to read the reviews, click here to reach the AP Central website. Go to the green button AP COURSES AND EXAMS, then to Teachers' Resources, and put Wordsmith in the Search box.

The Wordsmith Prompts

We have selected a variety of literature texts commonly studied in Grades 10 upwards, and produced for them a series of study tasks based in the main on actual classroom work as well as on past IB and AP assessments.

The Prompts are not book-length study commentaries like The WordSmith Guides. Rather, they are outline resources, consisting of a range of questions and assignments designed to take students into the heart of each chapter of a novel (or each scene of a play, or each poem in a collection) as they have finished reading it. Together they help build up an overview of each of the five SCASI aspects of the whole piece of writing (Setting, Character, Action, Style and Ideas - the fundamental structure of The WordSmith Guides themselves).

Prompts are available for works by the following authors (and we are steadily adding more authors and texts to the list):

    Chinua Achebe
    Maya Angelou
    Margaret Atwood
    Jane Austen
    Mariama Bâ 
    Samuel Beckett
    Charlotte Brontë
    Emily Brontë
    Truman Capote
    Peter Carey
    Geoffrey Chaucer
    Kate Chopin
    J. M. Coetzee
    Joseph Conrad
    Daniel Defoe
    Charles Dickens
    George Eliot
    Laura Esquivel
    William Faulkner
    F. Scott Fitzgerald 
    E. M. Forster
    Robert Frost
    Athol Fugard
    William Golding
    Nadine Gordimer
    Graham Greene
    Sara Gruen
    David Guterson
    Lorraine Hansberry
    Thomas Hardy
    Nathaniel Hawthorne
    Ernest Hemingway

    Khaled Hosseini
    Henrik Ibsen
    Kazuo Ishiguro
    Henry James
    Ruth Prawar Jhabvala
    James Joyce
    Franz Kafka
    John Knowles
    Harper Lee
    Doris Lessing
    David Malouf
    Dalene Matthee
    Cormac McCarthy
    Frank McCourt
    Arthur Miller
    Toni Morrison
    Naguib Mahfouz
    Tim O'Brien
    Michael Ondaatje
    George Orwell
    Wilfred Owen
    Sylvia Plath
    Jean Rhys
    William Shakespeare
    Mary Shelley
    John Steinbeck
    Alexander Solzhenitsyn
    Paul Theroux
    Mark Twain
    Richard Wright
    Markus Zusak

“Three delightful adventure stories set in Africa… Illustrated brilliantly…reminiscent of Kipling's 'Jungle Book' - sometimes allegorical, always entertaining.”

Books Monthly, May 2011

“All three of the Paka Mdogo stories are charming. The moral lessons are present, but subtly presented and deftly handled...Author Toshack is working on additional books for this series and new adventures for Paka Mdogo. An increasingly long line of children can hardly wait.”

January Magazine September 2011

“This series of books is creative, clever, and fact-filled.”

                             Eileen Granfors, Amazon ‘Vine Voice’ Reviewer, December 2011

“I can't believe the amount of work which has gone into this! Absolutely fantastic for the IB PYP programme. Great chapter-by-chapter and whole-book activities, linked to UK curriculum as well as PYP.”

These Illustrated Books Have Been Developed To Encourage And Foster A Love Of Reading In Children

Are your children spending lots of time on the internet?

These illustrated books have been developed to encourage and foster a love of reading in children. When children can read, an entire world of discovery is open to them. The books have been created by Susan Syddall, an experienced early childhood educator with experience in teaching children of other languages to learn English. Her experience as a teacher, and as a mother of two boys who are just embarking into the world of reading, has inspired the development of an online, illustrated and interactive children's story library.

The online stories use rhyme, rhythm, repetition, humour and quality illustrations to:

  • Foster a love of language
  • Build and extend vocabulary
  • Capture children's interest
  • Inspire creativity
  • Kindle imagination.
  • Ideal for the classroom.

    What is “Books from Oz”?

    There are currently 6 books included in the library, valued at USD$8.28 each. There are more books under way which will soon be available to current members. Also included are teaching aids and beginner reader activities. The library is continually being expanded with new stories, rhymes, activities, teaching materials and parent information.

    Sample pages are available at the library login
    using the user name: guest and the password: guest.
    As a guest you may view the introductory pages of each book.
    There is also one guest selection that has other pages included.


    Friday, May 4, 2012

    Make money with real estate investing, foreclosures, license and other ways

    Make money with real estate investing, foreclosures, license, and others ways.  

    What else you will discover!

    1. How to create wealth through property.
    2. What are your options.
    3. Top 4 aspects of a good investment.
    4. Past & future facts & figures.
    5. How to create a multi-million dollar property portfolio.
    6. The top 10 reasons why residential property.
    7. The 8 questions you must have the answers to.
    8. The 5 steps to chop your mortgage in half & save tens of thousands by setting up your loans & accounts correctly.
    9. The 5 most important things to research + the 10 point check list.
    10. How to acquire 4 investment properties worth 1 million dollars in 4 years or less.

    You will also discover:
    1. How to reduce and even avoid land tax.
    2. How to use a trust to negatively gear against your income and reduce your income tax.
    3. Self Managed Super Funds and property. The new Australian tax haven.
    4. What the Australian National Rental Affordability Scheme is and how to use it to make your properties positively geared.
    5. How to work out the yield on an investment property.
    6. How to buy investment properties with no money down and no ongoing out of pocket expenses.
    7. How to buy cash flow positive properties in metropolitan areas and much more!

      This is the formula to the proven methods that everyday people like you can use to create extraordinary wealth.

      Whilst I am living and writing this e-book in Australia, these strategies can be applied all over the world.

      So why I am doing this... well it's pretty obvious I thought...
      This is part of how I earn my income that helps me to buy more properties. I'll explain later in my e-book. This is not a get rich quick scheme. If you want a get rich quick scheme I suggest you close this web page now and leave... because it is likely you don't have what it takes to actually become truly wealthy... which involves a sound, proven plan and a little patience.

      I wish my parents knew this and told me how to do it a long time ago. Lets face it... unless we have a sound plan for retirement then we have no plan at all.

      You see my dad worked 3 jobs at a time and both he and my mum worked 100 hours 7 days a week. My dad and his parents came to Australia basically as refugees after the second world war. They lost everything in their home country and came here with nothing. He found out the hard way how to survive. 

      Having to live in freezing conditions in a tin hut and help build one of the most complex schemes in the world, the snowy mountains hydro-electric scheme. And even though they worked hard and had nothing they still helped other unfortunate and everyday people get back on track.  

      And you know what... I take my hat off to them... they stuck it out because they had a plan to survive. And to them... helping other people made them better people... I miss them soooo much.

      They did all right.  And they stayed together all their married life. They were exceptionally good people and worked hard.

      They had amazing lives and are a testimony to good old fashioned Australian work ethic and morals.

      But they both passed away virtually just after they retired, they never got to really enjoy their retirement. 
      It kinda hit home when virtually the whole town turned up to their funerals and paid their respects. It was standing room only out through to the foyer.
      I had a defining moment and I realised then... and I learnt... only because they taught me to work hard. But they gave me one thing they never really got.

      It's called an opportunity and an education... not just academic... but in life too.

      "I didn't fail 1000 times, the light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps".

      Now we can see in the dark and our lights are switched on.
      You know, they say that by the time you turn 17 you would have heard the words "no you can't" 150,000 times and only heard the words "yes you can" 5000 times. 

      No wonder we are all stuck in the "I gotta work hard and save my money to have what I want" lie.

      And you know what... that is exactly how it used to be. For ordinary people. And it still is for most.

      Don't get me wrong... Property investing doesn't normally mean you should give up your day job straight away.

      What you want is pretty simple though... cmon... it's to follow your chosen path and be happy. Which is unlikely to make you financially independent.
      Even if your think you are now, what are you going to do in retirement!

    Thursday, May 3, 2012

    best registry cleaner windows 7 and vista

    best registry cleaner windows 7 and vista

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    RegCare™ will fix that by automatically searching for errors such as:

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    RegCare™ is very easy to use. How easy? As easy as 1-2-3:
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    How to discover your innate talents, gifts, and abilities Using Astrology

    Learn about the unique individual that is Astrological Consultation can help you:

        Understand your life's potential

        Discover your innate talents, gifts, and abilities

        Develop your life goals and career skills

        Overcome personality challenges that prevent you from attracting and developing the life you desire

        Explore the way you interact with others and how you develop relationships

        Get to know yourself, your values, & your desires on a very conscious level

        Stop reacting to life situations out of fear

        Gain control of your own destiny and develop that certain divine light that is uniquely you

        Develop Self-esteem and learn to love yourself fully

    Personal,  Confidential, 100% Private Astrological Consulting & Written Readings

    Natal Chart Readings; Life Progressions, Patterns, & Changes; Turning Points; Career development; Travel; Finances; Spirituality; Karmic Soul Readings; Develop your creativity; Planetary Cycles; Crisis & Opportunity; support and spiritual counseling after the loss of a loved one; Overcome obstacles; Free yourself to be YOU!

    I do not use astro-speak when working with my clients...just plain, straightforward English. However, if you are an astrologer or know astrology (and many of my clients do!), I am happy to work together in astr0-speak. Just let me know when we meet :)

    I work Internationally and am very flexible regarding scheduling as well as respectful of cultural differences and beliefs.

    Approximately 1 hour with free email follow-up

    Our initial work together will explore your birth chart and personality as well as your current life situation.  We will also take a glimpse to see what lies ahead in the near future and discuss any specific issues you are concerned about. If you have had a previous natal reading elsewhere and really want to focus on what's happening now, let me know when I confirm via email. The fee remains the same as I will need to study your chart and personality in-depth prior to meeting even if we do not discuss your nativity. Returning clients please order an 'update' session (below).

    Online consulting is live, one on one in complete privacy and enables you to save a written copy for future reference. The initial consultation is required before  entering into an ongoing astrological support & coaching  relationship. I schedule within 3 days - 1 week after payment.

    Updates, Ongoing support, & Astro-Life Coaching

    As the planetary energies are always in flux, there will be times in life where you may need to explore your changing life circumstances in-depth and have someone to help guide you objectively or offer advice during times of confusion.  This is especially true when you must deal with several life changing experiences all at once.  Astrology is the perfect tool for deeper understanding of what is happening, what to expect, and to answer the questions - when is it going to settle down or end? How can I make the most of the opportunities before me? What is the lesson and spiritual intent of a specific experience? Career guidance, family challenges, timing for upcoming events, prediction work... Initial Consultation or written Natal Reading is required prior to ordering. I schedule within 3 days - 1 week after payment.

    psychic warfare experiments and book

    psychic warfare experiments and book.
    I know what you're thinking.

    "Jack, psychic powers?   Really?   You've finally lost your mind!"
    No, I haven't... let me explain.

    Since around 2000/2001 the "seduction community" has been inundated with all sorts of "psychic seduction" products and ideas.   Perhaps you've tried some of them, but I hope not, because most of them are misleading, and at worst... an outright rip-off!

    I first discovered how your frame of mind can effect the outcome of any interaction by mistake.
    Using what I considered at the time to be "ridiculous" mental images helped immensely and at times the woman I was thinking about would approach and/or contact me!

    Believe it or not, but I almost never have to approach women any more.   Years of internalizing seduction methods - and these crucial "psychic" exercises - are all I need.

    And don't worry... when I say "exercises" I'm talking about simple mental exercises, not placing a circle of candles around yourself and chanting nonsense!   As a matter of fact...

    Chances Are You've "Accidentally" Used At Least Some Of These Methods Before!
    You know what deja vu is, right?   It's the experience of feeling sure that you have already witnessed or experienced a current situation.   Everyone has experienced it.

    Or the time you were thinking of calling a friend, then the phone rang and it was them?
    I remember watching a football game with a friend as a teenager.   One team was up by 28 points, but my friend said: "they'll come back."

    The team up by 28 points had the ball... and he said "here comes the fumble."   And the running back fumbled the ball!

    He kept calling plays and predicting what would happen, and he was right every single time.   The team losing by 28 points came back and won by 3.

    It's as if he tuned in to the right frequencies and knew what was going to happen.
    Now, with the methods described in The Lucifer Complex, you too can "tune in" to these frequencies - and even send your own messages through them.

    Open The Doors Of Your Mind And Discover:

    • How to broadcast silent commands that must be obeyed

    • How to create your own "Hidden Brotherhood" and explode your psychic success
    • Use these methods to hypnotize anyone in 10 seconds flat!
    • How to avoid jealous or angry thought-vibrations - do this and women will flock to you
    • The secret of the "Silent Mind" - master this and you can do anything you want
    • Consistently "take over" any interaction with SIMPLE and REPEATABLE strategies
    • How the "Invisible Masters" Influence Our Lives
    • How several people were driven to suicide - just by the power of a "curse"
    • The Human Television Screen - and how to tune into it with your "human antenna"
    • How to create powerful thought currents that improve your concentration 
    I Was Skeptical As Well, Until I Consulted The Opinions Of Experts.   Here's What They Had To Say...

    God Helmet Creator Finds Evidence of Telepathy in Lab

    “God Helmet” Inventor, Dr. Michael Persinger Discovers Telepathy Link in Lab Experiments
    In the 1980’s Persinger made headlines with his “God Helmet”, a device that stimulates temporal lobes with a weak magnetic field in order to produce religious states.

    Now, Persinger has discovered the same type of brain stimulation can create metal states conducive to human telepathy. "What we have found is that if you place two different people at a distance and put a circular magnetic field around both, and you make sure they are connected to the same computer so they get the same stimulation, then if you flash a light in one person’s eye the person in the other room receiving just the magnetic field will show changes in their brain as if they saw the flash of light."
    Millions Of People Possess These Gifts... But Few Ever Discover:

    • The Mental Earphone - how to hear the thoughts of others
    • Little-known secrets to bring out your natural "Psychic Powerhouse"
    • The omens in our dreams and what they're trying to tell us
    • "Victims-Technology" explained - how mastering these skills will let you build your own cult
    • A free software program that can produce some amazing tele-hypnosis results
    • What to do when you sense you are under "psychic attack"
    • Why you must NEVER let anyone know what you're doing
    • How to bring to life anything you can conceive mentally
    • "Malicious Animal Magnetism" explained
    • Tele-Image Transmitter: how to use image-forms to turn your dreams into reality!  

    Download  psychic warfare experiments and book, Now

    Friday, April 20, 2012

    Every Man Can Learn The Secrets To Seducing The Woman Of His Dreams Through The Power Of A Great Kiss.

    Every Man Can Learn The Secrets To Seducing The Woman Of His Dreams Through The Power Of A Great Kiss.

    Hello Friends,


    What if you could seal the deal with a woman just by kissing her? The truth is that you can! Women are emotional creatures who thrive on the feelings of butterflies in their stomach and a tingle on their lips. Some people call this chemistry, but we call it technique!


    When you kiss a girl, she should feel like the whole world is stopping just for her. It is possible for you to give her that feeling! "How to Kiss a Girl" is a self help eBook designed to offer the best techniques and tips for luring a woman into your arms effortlessly and making her yours forever.

    What do we mean by it's all in the power of the kiss?


    Anyone can kiss a girl, but not anyone can KISS a girl in a way that leaves her breathless and wanting more. But soon you will be able to! This eBook is filled with advice from relationship experts who have determined the most effective ways to perfect your kissing technique and create the love feeling that every girl is searching for. 


    What will YOU learn from "How to Kiss A Girl"?

    We start off by helping you understand the female psyche and how it plays a vital role into the affection that she feels for you. Next we will carve out a detailed plan of action that will help you be smooth in the heat of the moment. Finally, we will give you the exact techniques that you need to use to improve, perfect and "wow" a women with your kiss.

    You can learn to ignite passion, security and love all through your lips touching hers!

    Here's What Many Men Do Not Understand:

    Women feel sensations through all areas of their body, but especially the lips. In "How to Kiss a Girl" we will teach you how to win her over, seduce her and make her yours forever with the power of a kiss. These tips and techniques are proven to be the most effective ways to kiss a girl. These secrets are finally together in this single eBook and ready for you.

    What are you waiting for?

    Transform your love life today. Order your copy of "How to Kiss a Girl" and discover the top secrets and techniques you need to know. You will amaze your girlfriend with your lips and leave her wanting more and more. Convey all of your feelings without saying anything at all. We have the secrets that you  need to know!

    By using the "How to Kiss a Girl" self-help eBook, any man can learn how to become a better kisser and how to kiss a girl the way she wants to be kissed.

    The best part of this award winning eBook is that we will teach you many critical things you need to know about women, how they think, what they want and how to be their everything with just a single kiss. In "How to Kiss a Girl" you will learn:

    In my eBook "Proven Techniques on How To Kiss A Girl" you will discover the following:

    What Women Really Want in a Kiss
    Understanding a Woman's Source of Affection.
    How to Improve your Kissing Technique
    Steps to Luring a Women Effortless with Your Kiss
    How to Share your Feelings with the Power of Your Lips
    Much more included!


    Learn To Carefully And Purposefully Use The Quran As A Bridge To Christ And The Bible

    Learn To Carefully And Purposefully Use The Quran As A Bridge To Christ And The Bible. 

    Several years ago I learned how to use the Quran, the Muslim holy book, as a springboard for effective spiritual discussions with Muslims. If you’ve spent any time around Muslims, you know that talking about God and spiritual things is easy.

    The main problem is that there are vast differences between Christianity and Islam. Effective conversations eluded me for years until I learned how to use the Quran to lead Muslims to Christ and the Bible.

    Dear Fellow Laborer,

    I labored for four fruitless years, attempting to bring the Gospel to Arab Muslims. I was frustrated and discouraged and at times, thought that I was wasting my time. After all, I thought about all the perceived roadblocks and problems, as most other Christians do…

    The Muslim view of Jesus is incomplete

    Muslims deny Christ’s resurrection in Islam

    Converting to Christianity is illegal for Muslims

    Islam vehemently denies Christ’s deity

    The Muslim view of Jesus is incomplete

    There are numerous differences between Christianity and Islam

    Jesus’ name in Islam is Isa

    There’s so much stuff about Islam I don’t know

    But then I stumbled upon how to use the Quran as a witnessing tool. I heard of a fellow laborer, “Timothy”, who had success sharing the Gospel with Muslims in several well known,  predominantly Muslim countries. I arranged to meet him and asked him what his secret was. Thankfully, he saw my hunger and desperation and showed me what he was doing, first hand. At first I was skeptical, but as I listened and learned I saw that He honored Christ as Lord at every turn. He was not trying to synchronize the Bible and Islam or water-down the Gospel in any way.

    Now, Timothy was not an Arabic speaker. He used a translator. On my first few occasions with him, he used me! He was reverent and respectful with Muslims and they enjoyed his presence. He cared for them as a brother cares for a sibling. He started each spiritual conversation with Arab Muslims with a simple prayer for God’s guidance. He then would reference passages from the Quran to start the ball rolling.

    I was a little put off at first. I guess I had the normal, knee-jerk reactions that Western Christians usually have toward Islam and the Quran. Unfortunately, these reactions often boil over in the form of hostility toward Muslims themselves, and everything they hold dear. You know as well as I do, this is not our intent. It’s just a reaction. As I listened to Timothy’s’ choice of Quranic verses, however, I noticed that he had a plan.

    He chose verses that were clear and powerful…
    Verses that always led Muslims to the Bible and to Jesus.

    His boldness and passion were contagious and I continued to work with him and learned how to effectively communicate the Gospel to Muslims. Perhaps the most amazing thing that occurred during this initial learning phase, (beyond seeing Muslims choose to whole-heartedly follow Christ), is the transformation that occurred in my own heart. I really learned to love Muslims. I learned to find common ground with them and to gently lead them instead of competing and fighting with them as I had formerly done. Using the Quran to lead men to Jesus and the Bible has allowed me to see more fruit for God’s Kingdom and to grow in Christ personally.

    After years of practicing and refining this approach I’ve compiled the best of the best and made them available in eBook format. I’ve personally taught these truths to many groups and they are truly field tested. As I’ve travelled and taught these truths throughout the Middle East I’ve been very careful not to deceive Muslims about my own faith, or my intentions. Muslims know how I feel about the Quran. They know I don’t call myself a Muslim, but a sincere follower of Christ. He alone is my Lord and Savior and there is no Savior or way to God but by Him.

    Few Western Christians have learned these truths as well. Some have adopted them fully, some have customized them, and some have rejected them. This is healthy and fine. I seek only to make these truths available to those who hunger as I did; those who want to really connect with and impact the lives of Muslims through Christ. In Quranic Bridges to Christ you’ll learn the following:

    The two primary ways I use the Quran

    What I really think of the Quran

    How I answer Muslims who are surprised I use the Quran

    Two Quranic verses that allow you to be brutally honest, yet inoffensive to Muslims

    How to effectively answer charges of the Bible’s corruption

    The strongest Quranic verses that instruct Muslims to read the Bible

    My favorite verses from the Quran that lead Muslims to Jesus

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